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Abuse Is Not Always Easy to Identify Because Injuries Often Can Be Attributed to __________.

violence, an human activity of concrete force that causes or is intended to crusade damage. The damage inflicted past violence may exist physical, psychological, or both. Violence may be distinguished from assailment, a more general blazon of hostile behaviour that may be physical, verbal, or passive in nature.

Violence is a relatively common blazon of human behaviour that occurs throughout the world. People of whatever age may be tearing, although older adolescents and immature adults are most likely to engage in violent behaviour. Violence has a number of negative furnishings on those who witness or feel it, and children are especially susceptible to its harm. Fortunately, various programs have been successful at preventing and reducing violence.

Milton Berle

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Types of violence

Violence tin can be categorized in a number of ways. Vehement crimes are typically divided into iv chief categories, based on the nature of the behaviour: homicide (the killing of i human being by some other, sometimes for legally justifiable reasons), assault (physically attacking some other person with the intent to crusade harm), robbery (forcibly taking something from another person), and rape (forcible sexual intercourse with another person). Other forms of violence overlap with these categories, such every bit child sexual corruption (engaging in sexual acts with a kid) and domestic violence (violent behaviour between relatives, usually spouses).

Violence can also be categorized according to its motivation. Reactive, or emotional, violence typically involves the expression of anger—a hostile desire to hurt someone—that arises in response to a perceived provocation. Proactive, or instrumental, violence is more calculated and is often performed in anticipation of some reward. The American psychologist Kenneth Contrivance found that those two types of violence involve distinct physiological states: a person engaging in reactive violence experiences increased autonomic nervous organisation arousal (i.e., increased heart charge per unit and animate, sweating), whereas a person committing an deed of proactive assailment experiences depression autonomic arousal.

Another method of categorizing violent behaviour involves distinguishing between predatory and affective violence. Predatory violence involves planned acts of hostile forcefulness. Affective violence is more impulsive and unplanned. Other types of violence have been suggested, including irritable violence (motivated by frustration) and territorial violence (motivated by intrusion into one's perceived territory or space).

Causes of violence

One bespeak that all researchers seem to agree on is that violence is multicausal, meaning that no single factor is responsible for violent behaviour. Instead, violence results from a combination of factors, including those originating in the tearing person's social or cultural environment and those representing immediate situational forces. Researchers have examined multiple factors inside a person that may contribute to violence, including genetic predisposition, neurochemical abnormalities (e.g., high testosterone levels), personality characteristics (e.g., lack of empathy for others), information-processing deficits (e.g., the trend to view others' actions as hostile), and the experience of corruption or neglect as a kid.

Effects of violence

Regardless of its crusade, violence has a negative impact on those who experience or witness information technology. Violence tin cause physical injury equally well equally psychological harm. Several psychological disorders, including postal service-traumatic stress disorder, dissociative identity disorder, and deadline personality disorder, are associated with experiencing or witnessing violence. Other psychological symptoms, such equally low, anxiety, and mood swings (run across bipolar disorder), are common in victims of violence.

Children seem to exist especially susceptible to the negative effects of violence. Those who experience or witness violence may develop a variety of bug, including anxiety, depression, insecurity, anger, poor anger management, poor social skills, pathological lying, manipulative behaviour, impulsiveness, and lack of empathy. As such examples bear witness, some children may respond to violence in "internalizing" ways, such as past developing feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and depression, whereas others may react in "externalizing" ways, such equally by feeling aroused and behaving in an hating manner. Although some of the furnishings of violence may manifest themselves during childhood, others may not announced until machismo. For example, abused girls are more than likely than nonabused girls to have substance-corruption bug equally adults.

Moreover, exposure to violence tin increment violent behaviour in children. The American psychologist Albert Bandura showed that children often imitate fierce behaviours, specially if those acts are committed by trusted adults (e.g., parents). Children as well imitate violence shown on television and in other forms of media. Those exposed to greater amounts of media violence are more probable than other children to become fierce adults. This is especially true if the child identifies with the trigger-happy characters and if the child believes that media violence represents reality.

Prevention of violence

Because the trend to behave violently develops during childhood, most prevention programs target young people. Many such programs are schoolhouse-based, although some involve the family or the community. The most-successful violence-prevention programs are those that target all children, not just those who are considered to exist at gamble for violence. In addition, the most success has been plant in school-based programs with committed and involved teachers and programs that include parent training.

A variety of programs have been adult to reduce or forestall violence in individuals who have already shown a tendency toward violence. For example, a number of prison-based programs attempt to reduce the likelihood of reoffending among violent and irenic criminals. Such programs often involve a variety of components. Violent offenders may receive grooming to improve parenting and other relationship skills. A mental-health component, such equally substance abuse treatment, may be included. Job training is some other mutual component of prison-based prevention programs. Occasionally, drugs such every bit antidepressants, beta blockers, or benzodiazepines may be used in addition to other methods. Overall, the almost-successful programs for preventing violence are those that result behavioural changes.

Kristine M. Jacquin


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